The grade came in for my Christmas paper and I received an 'A'! This brings my GPA up to just over a 3.0 which is what I needed to qualify for the TAG so I can go to UC Santa Cruz next fall.
The above is the only positive thing about this post. Just warning you.
Once my grade had been posted I started to work on the TAG application. I was a little worried it would be complicated, the school offers workshops on this application. The worry was unfounded, the application was easy, although a little time consuming. (I guess this part isn't so bad either. Don't worry, it will get crappy really soon.)
I finish the application and then it comes to the 'Submit' portion where I have to check these boxes before I can actually submit. One such box asks if I have met the minimum requirements of all UC schools at this point. I click on the link and my world shatters.
To transfer, even with the TAG, I need 2 transferable English classes and 1 transferable Math class. What? I have not taken any English or Math classes yet. I saw TWO counselors about this application and they both told me about having to meet the requirements for the TAG. Neither of them mentioned I would also have to meet these requirements. That was the whole reason I wanted to do the TAG, because I had not yet done Math or English.
I talked with someone in the transfer center at school and she said there is pretty much nothing I can do. I can call UCSC and see if they are doing Winter admissions but there is not much hope in that. Budget cuts being what they are, they have only been accepting people in the fall.
So now instead of going to this school next fall, the earliest I can go is next winter (January I guess.) I don't think I can wait another year! This is complete and utter bullshit! I was misinformed and now have wasted more of my time at this stupid community college. I am so done with VCCCD. I want to go to a real school and finally get a degree instead of wasting time and money and earning nothing.
Brandon says that we should move up there as planned and both attend the community college there. That might be a good idea, getting a change of scene. I am so angry at both Ventura and Moorpark college and so depressed that this whole thing is happening. I don't even want to deal with school anymore.
I feel so pathetic and unsuccessful in life. I look at my friends and so many of them have degrees and good jobs and are moving on with their lives. I am 26 and still going to a "two-year" school where I have been for 4 years. I have no job because without a degree and the economy what it is I can't get a job. Or I get some lame retail job but I can't keep it because I am in school so my availability isn't open enough. I have no money because I have no job and life just sucks.
I hope this post has brightened all of your days!
Hey Sam,
ReplyDeletedon't get so upset yet!I know what a pain CSU could be -I've been trying to get into it too.
Why don't you go to the university's canceling department and ask if you can take those classes later and still apply for the fall anyway?They could be very helpful there.
There are also some on-line degrees you can take at the CS Dominguez
Good luck